Columbus, OH

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National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network

The National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN) is a healing justice organization committed to transforming mental health for queer and trans people of color (QTPoC). We work at the intersection of movements for social justice and the field of mental health to integrate healing justice into both of these spaces. Our overall goal is to increase access to healing justice resources for QTPoC.


Phone: (937) 912-3306 | Finding a mental health provider that is right for you and making your first appointment can be the most difficult steps in your mental health journey. At LifeStance, we make it simple. We have board certified psychiatrists and licensed therapists offering online and in-person appointments. Our mission is to provide high quality mental health services that enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and the community.

Netcare Access

Phone: (614) 276-CARE (2273) | We help people in need of behavioral healthcare and emotional support by providing comprehensive, evidence-based services needed to attain recovery and maintain well-being. We also help the courts and community agencies by providing professional evaluations and assessments for those that need them.


Phone: (614) 445-8131 | Maryhaven is Central Ohio’s largest and most comprehensive behavioral health services provider specializing in addiction recovery. Our expert clinicians and counselors have served more than 300,000 men, women and adolescents since 1953. We strive every day to bring hope, innovation and compassion to people struggling with mental illnesses and addiction disorders. We operate from four campuses in Columbus, including our Residential and Outpatient Treatment Center, Gambling Intervention Program and Engagement Center on Alum Creek Drive, our Central Intake Department and Maryhaven Addiction Stabilization Center on South High Street, and the Women’s Center. We also serve patients in Union, Delaware, and Morrow Counties through three regional clinics. We provide comprehensive services for patients at all stages of recovery, including residential and outpatient care, medically assisted treatment as well as cognitive behavioral and other proven therapies, individual and group counseling. We work closely with 12-step and other peer-to-peer recovery groups as they can be critical to long-term success for many patients.

Columbus Free Clinic

Email: | Phone: (614) 404-8417 | The CFC provides screening and limited treatment for behavioral health concerns (mental health and substance use).

Community for New Direction

Email: | Phone: (614) 272-1464 | We offer comprehensive mental health and substance use disorder treatment programs for adults. We continually evolve to meet the needs of clients, offer same or next day appointments, and utilize a person centered philosophy in all services provided. All are accepeted regardless of ability to pay

Equitas Health

Email: | Phone: (833) 378.4827 | Equitas Health is a nonprofit community healthcare system founded in 1984. We are one of the nation’s largest LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS-serving organizations, serving tens of thousands of patients in Ohio, Texas, Kentucky, and West Virginia.

The Village Network

Phone: 1(855) 522-4886 | At The Village Network, we believe that every child and young adult deserves to be loved and nurtured in order to live a healthy, meaningful and positive life. Since 1946, we’ve been providing compassionate treatment to support the behavioral, physical and emotional health of children and families, where the needs of each child are individually assessed, and dynamic treatment plans are specifically designed to properly transition them from disruptive to permanent, stable environments.

Mental Health America of Ohio

Phone: (614) 242-4357 | The Pro Bono Counseling Program links volunteer mental health professionals with those who need but cannot afford mental health counseling.

Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Psychotherapy Center

Phone: (614) 293-9600 | Ohio State Behavioral Health offers personalized and compassionate care for your mental or behavioral health condition.

Directions for Youth and Families

Phone: (614) 294-2661 | Directions for Youth & Families offers programs that provide community-based treatment and prevention services that emphasize commitment to the family, school, and work. Services are provided through innovative programs that are resiliency-oriented, trauma-informed and focus on the reduction of self-defeating behaviors and assisting youth, adults and families in leading positive and productive lives. Services provided include mental health assessments and counseling, sexual abuse survivors, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, parenting resources, and more. Sliding scale, free to some


Phone: (888) 522.9174 | OhioGuidestone works for every person and family to reach happiness. With family services, OhioGuidestone leads children, parents, and individuals towards ways to change their situations for the better. Addiction recovery programs, support groups, medication-assisted treatment, counseling services, psychiatric services, school-based services, residential treatment services, and more, are provided. Medicaid and insurance accepted, sliding scale

Ohio CareLine

24/7 Phone: 1(800) 720-9616 | The Ohio CareLine is a toll-free emotional support call service created by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and administered in community settings. Behavioral health professionals staff the CareLine 24 hours a day, 7 days/week. They offer confidential support in times of personal or family crisis when individuals may be struggling to cope with challenges in their lives. When callers need additional services, they will receive assistance and connection to local providers.

Huckleberry House

Phone: (614) 294-8097 | Huckleberry House works with Central Ohio's youth and families who are dealing with some of the most difficult problems imaginable. Issues like abuse, violence, neglect, poverty, and homelessness. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, Huckleberry House offers proven programs and committed people who know how to help young people and families take control of their lives. A crisis shelter and a transitional living program are provided. Counseling services are available to youth ages 12 to 22 and their families. Therapists help youth and families address a wide range of issues including anger, anxiety, behavioral concerns, crisis situations, depression, family conflict, parenting, school problems, stress management, trauma and PTSD, and more. Free.

Southeast Inc

Phone: (614) 225-0990 | Southeast Inc. is a comprehensive provider of mental health, chemical dependency, healthcare, and homeless services assisting diverse populations regardless of their economic status. Services include residential housing treatment homes, individual and group counseling, case management, alcohol and drug addiction treatment, mobile psychiatric outreach, services for homeless persons, homeless community treatment teams, and more. Medicare, medicaid, and insurance accepted - discounts for uninsured

Supportive Services for Veteran Families

Phone: (614) 629-9960 | Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) helps and supports low-income veterans who are homeless, at risk of homelessness and/or need help transitioning to permanent housing. The program aims to prevent homelessness and ensure housing stability among our community's veterans and their families. Ongoing individual and family support is provided in the form of housing counseling, personal financial planning, healthcare referrals, help with childcare, temporary financial assistance, transportation, daily living needs, and more.

Crossroads Counseling Center

Phone: (614) 263-8161 | Crossroads has served the Central Ohio community since 2002, bringing together therapists with a variety of rich educational and professional experiences. Adults, children, adolescents are served. Individual, group, marital and family therapy are provided. Bilingual services are offered—services for adults is available for those in the community whose primary language is Spanish.

OSU Couple and Family Therapy Clinic

Phone: (614) 292-3671 | The Ohio State University Couple and Family Therapy Clinic, is housed in the Department of Human Sciences, Human Development and Family Science Program in the College of Education and Human Ecology. The Clinic serves individuals, couples and families of the university and greater Columbus communities. Individual, couples, and family counseling are provided. Therapists are experienced in working with the LGBTQ community. Insurance not accepted. Sliding scale $10-$115, students pay $10

OSU Dept. of Psychology - Psychological Services Center

Phone: (614) 292-2345 | The Psychological Services Center (PSC) provides evidence-based psychological treatments for a range of issues, including depression, anxiety, substance use, coping with chronic medical conditions, PTSD, OCD, personality disorders, and more. The Addiction Recovery Clinic offers evidence-based treatments for people struggling with addiction and mental health concerns. Both individual and group therapy treatments are provided. The Behavioral Medicine Clinic at the Psychological Services Center is affiliated with the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC). The CBT Clinic at the Psychological Services Center is the general adult treatment clinic. Our focus is on developing, training, and delivering state-of-the-art cognitive-behavioral therapy. Free for adults 18+